
Lainey is looking for a very special home.
Lainey is an 7-8 year old female German Shepherd. She is a loyal, friendly girl who adores the humans she trusts.
Lainey gets on great with other dogs.. Big or small, male or female. And she loves to play with them.
She can be wary of other people but is happy in their company once they give her time and space.

Her ideal home would be a quiet adult home, with humans who will be kind, gentle and willing to put some work into training her and helping her gain her confidence. A bonus would be a home with another friendly dog.
Lainey is house trained and crate trained, she also knows sit and paw. She will walk on the lead but needs some training and confidence building with this. Lainey is a medium energy girl and would like a daily walk. She is a high risk of bolting so can never be allowed off lead.
Lainey has been spayed, fully vaccinated and microchipped.